Cooks, Corks & Kegs | January 27, 2024

You don’t want to miss playing Heads & Tails at Cooks, Corks & Kegs 2024! Winner’s Prize: $250 gift card to Newton’s new restaurant, Cadillac Jack’s, and the KSBBBS youth painting project, “Home on the Range".

How the game works: Make your choice of heads or tails, and if you and the coin align, you keep your groovy beads on and keep playing! Otherwise, you take beads off until all beads are gone and you sit down. The final showdown will be on stage with the few final contestants as the triumphant winner will be the last person standing with their groovy beads on! It’s a riot of a good time!


1 Bead

  • Each guest can only have a maximum of three beads on their person. 


3 Beads

  • Each guest can only have a maximum of three beads on their person. 

Total: $0.00

Your Information

Event Details

January 27, 2024

Time 6:00 PM
Meridian Center